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Get over 17000+ templates for $9.5 USD grab now


Get unlimited access to all 16392 Premium Templates
(Flyers, Brochures, Covers, Certificates, Programs, Logos, Cards and Resume) and save over $65404!

Join today & get everything starting at only $9.5 Full Access

Thousands of free assets
+10 000 Premium Flyers
+5 000 Premium PSD Files
+2 000 Premium Photos, Vectors
No attribution required
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Priority Support
*10 Free Templates Per Month
12 month Membership
$4.08per month
49 USD* every 12 month
*VAT and Local taxes may apply
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month Membership
$9.5per month
9.5 USD* every month
*VAT and Local taxes may apply
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Enjoy unlimited template downloads*
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Access to all templates and extra premium resources in every template
New assets daily
Our designers work hard to offer you new designs every day
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Customer Testimonials

How To Customize Flyer From Elegantflyer.Com

frequently asked question

Is it possible to cancel my subscription and get a refund?

Absolutely, you're free to cancel your subscription whenever you want. Just reach out to our support team or send us an email at [email protected].

However, please note that we don't issue refunds once your payment is processed. You'll continue to have Premium access until your current subscription period expires. All the details can be found on your subscription page.

Will my Elegantflyer Premium subscription renew automatically?

Yes, your Elegantflyer Premium subscription will renew automatically unless you choose to cancel it. We will also reach out to you each year to review your team's needs, which helps us ensure that your subscription remains suitable for you, even with automatic renewal.

To turn off the auto-renewal of subscription you need to contact our support e-mail: e-mail [email protected]

It possible to add more users to my Premium subscription?
Unfortunately, our current Premium subscription does not allow for the addition of extra users. Each subscription is uniquely assigned and cannot be shared or transferred to others. If you need multiple users to have access to Premium features, each individual must have their own separate subscription.
How do I open and edit the templates available on your website?

Currently, all the templates on our website are in PSD format for Photoshop and are packed in an archive (ZIP or RAR). To use them, you first need to unpack the archive. After extracting the files, open the .PSD file in Adobe Photoshop. In Photoshop, you can edit various elements of the template such as text, colors, and images to fit your specific needs.

Please ensure you have Adobe Photoshop installed on your computer to edit these templates. If you're not familiar with using Photoshop, there are many online tutorials available that can help you learn how to navigate and use the software for editing.

Can I use the templates I've downloaded from your site for client projects?

Absolutely! You are permitted to use our templates for commercial objectives. This means that you can employ the templates you've downloaded from our site for creating designs or projects for your clients.

Our templates are designed to be versatile and adaptable for various commercial uses, whether it's for advertising, marketing, or any other client-specific requirements. However, please ensure to adhere to any usage guidelines or terms of service provided with the templates. This ensures your use of the templates remains compliant and respectful of any licensing terms.

How often do you add new templates to your website?
Currently, our website is maintained by a team of four professional designers, and we add new templates every day. This continuous influx of fresh designs ensures a diverse and up-to-date selection for our users.